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I just received a fetal doppler today to help with my peace of mind. Has any one had any luck hearing the heart beat on it around 8-9 weeks? I saw and heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound, just wanting to hear it at home too.
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there are a few good videos on YouTube - that’s how I figured it out with my last pregnancy. Even with doing it perfectly, it’s super hit or miss at that stage and not finding the heart beat doesn’t mean you don’t have a perfectly healthy baby in there. Good luck!
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I have better luck closer to 10 weeks!
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I have a home Doppler from my first pregnancy, but I was 12 weeks when it arrived so it was super easy to find the heartbeat. I've been wanting to try it, but at 8 weeks I'm nervous that it'll make me panic if I don't find it. Let me know if you are able to get it 👍
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trust me, it will make you panic! haha. I tried at 8 weeks and it took me 4 separate times to find it. it made me a nervous wreck all day especially because I've had 4 miscarriages before
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I found a heartbeat with my first around 9.5 weeks but just found out I have retroverted uterus this time around so not sure I'll be as successful. I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and will probably give it a try next week.
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I am a nurse and use doppler at our clinic all the time so I'm very confident in my abilities. I've been trying every couple of days and I found it today for the first time at 8w2d. It's extremely tricky though so don't be discouraged if you can't find it till closer to the second trimester. I'd say give it a try only if you know you will be okay with the possibility you can't find it!
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I wouldn’t even try until 12 weeks. Super hard to find even then! I checked once a week from about 16 weeks until my first was born.
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With my first, I did exactly what everyone tells you not to do. I got a Doppler at 10 weeks…. Couldn’t find the heartbeat and rushed to the ER. Baby was perfectly fine, I just wasn’t experienced and it freaked me out. I finally found it on my own at around 14 weeks. I highly recommend waiting a little longer unless your very strong minded and know you won’t freak out if you can’t hear it lol
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i would only try it if youre not going to get fixated on finding it and then he disappointed or scared if you don't. the baby is VERY low at that stage. like under your pubic bone. that's where i found at 9w4d. I'm 10weeks now and couldn't find it again yesterday. I'm going to try again later. have a full bladder, it helps. look for the swooshing sound of the placenta and move the and slowly in the area. it should sound like galloping. good luck
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That’s pretty early. Only try if you won’t panic if you don’t find it, because it’s likely you won’t find it but the baby is fine. If you think you’ll panic and try to get to the ER or call your OB or just worry a lot, I wouldn’t try this soon! I tried around 9 weeks knowing I probably wouldn’t find it and I didn’t. I tried at 10 + 1 and couldn’t find it, but then found it at 10 + 3. Baby is VERY low at this stage of pregnancy, so try looking right at the tip of your public bone around your hair line. Good luck!! Also, if you’re using the sonoline b Doppler, don’t go by the HR on the screen. They have an app to download where you record it and it shows you the actual HR and you can save it and share it :)
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I couldn't find it myself until 12-14 weeks in past pregnancies. Just as a heads up you will go over some veins that sound kinda like a heartbeat because of the rushing blood, but you can usually tell the difference of the heartbeat once you find it. It's was pretty far down low for me in the beginning too, which makes sense, I just didn't think of that when I first tried the home doppler.
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